Miscellaneous Projects

This is my first diy attempt at a high performance piece of audio equipment. it took approximately 6 months to complete the amp in its current form. i have just a very basic understanding of electronics but have been a musician since a youngster and have been incrementally attaining high performance or "hi-fi". i have many people to thank for their help aid and understanding during this project. i must admit that this project was a little above my head as far as capability, but the understanding and nurturing atmosphere created at the diyaudio.com site was empowering to say the least. every time i thought no one would want to take the time to help me, someone answered right away. i will post an open invitation for anyone to come listen to my system, as it's all DIY accept for the CD player, just reply to the e-mail and we can make arrangements. VERY impressive!! this first picture is of the front of the amp with a .25 inch aluminum faceplate cut by a local shop. the second shot is of the heatsinks that were based off a design by "lottusblossum" that used bolts to tie everything together. i didn't calculate the actual dissipation, but the heatsinks sit right at 41 degress C. all the time, so i feel relatively confident that the amp is thermally stable. the third pic is of the back of the amp which uses Vampire connections throughout and a diy power cord that was easy and much higher quality than most cords. the fourth picture is of the "guts" of my amp. here is where it looks very diy! not like the featured unit or anything from HPotter! But, it works and is relatively thought out. if I were to do it again, I would think more about overall physical layout. but, not on this one!! the last pic is of my system with the Electronic Tonalities moded Foreplay preamp, Rotel CD player and my speakers based on the Geers eVe II design. as said before VERY impressive sound. again, many thanks to all that have helped me and if anyone is in the western Washington area, drop me a line to come and hear. and if anyone wants any input or has any questions please e-mail me at: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) cheers, scott

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